Maturitas is an international multidisciplinary peer reviewed scientific journal of midlife health and beyond publishing original research, reviews, consensus statements and guidelines, and mini-reviews. The journal provides a forum for all aspects of postreproductive health in both genders ranging from basic science to health and social care. Topic areas include: Aging Alternative and Complementary medicines Arthritis and Bone Health Cancer Cardiovascular Health Cognitive and Physical Functioning Epidemiology, health and social care Gynecology/endocrinology Nutrition/ Obesity Diabetes/ Metabolic Syndrome Menopause, Ovarian Aging Mental Health Pharmacology Sexuality Quality of Life Maturitas provides a lively and high visibility platform to encourage new insights and exchange of important new developments between researchers, clinicians and care providers in the field of midlife health to promote a personalized approach to healthy aging. We offer Fast Track publication for clinical trials and research articles which present ground-breaking results that justify rapid dissemination. Articles accepted through this route can expect a final editorial decision in under 7 weeks. Accepted articles are published online (as Articles-in-Press) in less than 5 weeks. Articles submitted for this route will be checked by the Editor-in-Chief to determine if the criterion for fast publication has been met; if not, articles will be redirected to the normal route of category article. Electronic readership Each month more than 60,000 full-text articles are downloaded from ScienceDirect (average over 2021).