Journal of the Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research
Focus and Scope The Journal of the Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research (JISCAR) considers original full length papers, short communications and review articles in English only based on the results of research in agriculture and allied disciplines (horticulture, forestry, aquaculture, animal husbandry, soils, water management, agricultural extension, agricultural economics, ecology, climate, policy issues, etc.) pertaining to the agricultural production and ecology of the coastal region for publication. The review articles are received only by invitation. Besides the journal also publishes book reviews relevant to the coastal ecosystem. Peer Review Process The articles received online are first reviewed by the Chief Editor and/or Managing Editor including members of the Editorial Board to assess whether the articles can be considered for publication. Generally, articles are thereafter sent to two reviewers who are specialist in that area of research, out of the panel prepared. Usually two weeks time is given to the reviewers. The reviewers are required to submit a report regarding the suitability of the article along with the comments. If the reviewers do not respond in time then they are sent reminders. In the event that one of the reviewers does not respond even after being given reminder then the Editor in consultation with the Editorial Board takes suitable action based on the comments of one reviewer. Each article recommended or otherwise is also reviewed on the light of the comments received and recommended articles are suitably edited by a member of the Editorial Board. The comments of the reviewer and Editorial Board are sent online to the author for making the revision and re-submission. The accepted articles are then thoroughly checked for English language, uniformity and any ambiguity before publication. Best efforts are made to complete the review process at the earliest and confer acceptance to the authors within two months. Open Access Policy This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Submission Policy Submission of the manuscripts is accepted only through online system. Authors should submit the manuscript (complete in all respect) online using the link Since the manuscripts are blind peer reviewed, author should ensure to upload the manuscript without names of the authors and their affiliation. The author details should be uploaded as a separate file during submission of the manuscript. The society does not charge any fees for publication and no reprints are supplied. JISCAR supports open access and the journal articles are freely available for download to the users. Policy of Assured Publication Submission of an article does not imply that it will be assured publication in the journal. The articles must fulfill all the publication guidelines and policies of the Journal. Articles that do not fall within the scope of the Journal, poorly written articles, etc. will be rejected at the first stance. All the articles that are submitted are subjected to peer review process and based on the recommendations of the reviewer the editorial board takes suitable action to accept, recast or reject the submission. Policy to Check Plagiarism Authors using any text, figures, etc., from other sources must ensure that there is no violation of copyright norms/rules. All sources must be cited at the point of use, in addition, permission is required from the competent authority of the original publications of the use of data in the form of tables or illustrations, and the same communicated along with the manuscript to JISCAR editorial board. Authors are required to declare at the time of online submission that the manuscript is an original work of the author. Manuscripts if found to be plagiarized from other published works, whether published or unpublished will be rejected and suitable action will be taken as per the guidelines on publication ethics. Ethics Policy Authors must take care to comply with the requirements of publication ethics in preparation of their manuscript. Article or its parts submitted to this journal for publication should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. At the time of submission, authors must declare that the article is original; has been seen by all the authors, and all are satisfied with its form and content; the sequence of names of authors is as per their relative contribution in the study and due credit has been given to all authors who have made notable contribution; it is approved by the appropriate authorities from the place where the work was carried out; the submission has not been previously published (except in the form of an abstract or in as a thesis), nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor); the instructions in ensuring a blind review have been followed. The manuscript to be uploaded must not contain the author names and their affiliation. The falsification, manipulation, fabrication of data amounts to violation of ethics. If the author wants to use certain parts such as figures, illustrations, text, etc. from already published material, then the permission from the holder of the copyright must be sought and appropriate document should be submitted at the time of manuscript submission otherwise it will be assumed that they are the original works of the author(s). The publisher by any means shall not be responsible for any conflict of interest, violation of rules or norms or any compensation claim. Appropriate action will be take for violation of the ethics policy per the guidelines on publication ethics. Author Certificate Download Author Certificate Manuscript Template Authors can use the template in word format for the preparation of the manuscript. However, if they wish not to use the template then follow the instructions given in the Author Guidelines. Author Guidelines and Article template can be downloaded from Sponsors The Society is highly indebted to Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi for providing necessary financial assistances for publication of the Journal. Indian Council of Agricultural Research Article Processing Charges The Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research does not levy any charge for article processing. Journal History Since 1983, the Society has been publishing two issues of The Journal of the Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research in a year, first issue in June and second issue in December. So far forty one (41) volumes of the Journal have been published. From 2018 onwards, the Journal is also being published online.
Publication Language |
English |
Publication Access Type |
Open Access |
Publication Author |
* |
Publisher |
Publication Year |
2024 |
Publication Type |
eJournals |
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