World’s Poultry Science Journal is the official publication of the World s Poultry Science Association. The journal provides authoritative reviews in poultry science and an international forum for the exchange and dissemination of information including research, education and industry organisation. Each issue includes poultry industry-related news, regional reports on global developments in poultry, reports from specialist scientific working groups, book reviews, association news and a calendar of forthcoming events. Coverage includes breeding, nutrition, welfare, husbandry, production systems, processing, product development, physiology, egg and meat quality, industry structure, economics and education. The journal is of interest to academics, researchers, students, extension workers and commercial poultry producers. All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double anonymized and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.