Phytochemistry is a leading international journal publishing studies of plant and plant related organisms (eg. epiphytic/symbiotic micro-organisms), marine organisms, chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics, structure and bioactivities of phytochemicals, including ‘-omics’, bioinformatics/computational biology approaches and human related biotransformation of natural specialised metabolites and chemical ecology. Phytochemistry is a primary source for papers dealing with phytochemicals, especially reports concerning their biosynthesis, regulation, and biological properties both in planta and as bioactive principles. Articles are published online as soon as possible as Articles-in-Press and in 12 volumes per year. Occasional topic-focused special issues are published composed of papers from invited authors. Article types Full papers are original research papers reporting new discoveries that lead to a deeper understanding of any aspect of plants covered by the journal. Full papers are invited in the following sections, but these are not exclusive. Chemistry and Bioactive Products contains papers on structural elucidation of previously undescribed specialised metabolites, including studies that elucidate their role and mode of action in pharmacological, medical or therapeutic use, plausible biosynthetic pathways. Studies of the biological activity of known compounds will only be considered when they add significant insight to the way in which the biological action of the metabolites is manifest. Molecular Genetics and Genomics contains papers which demonstrate novelty and/or biological significance in relation to all aspects of gene structure and expression, and their role in plant function, regulation, comparative genomics, and reconstitution of biochemical pathways. This section may also contain studies of genetically modified plants that have been analysed for changes in their profiles of phytochemical production. Manuscripts presenting solely computational studies of gene functions will only be considered when they add substantive evidence of the focal gene functions and/or their role in planta. Protein Biochemistry and Proteomics contains reports on proteins from plants and plant related organisms, including their purification directly from the organism or as a result of heterologous expression. This section includes studies of the macromolecular structure of proteins, protein function, enzyme mechanism, and proteomics, including in relation to changed genetics, environment or metabolism. Metabolism and Metabolomics contains papers reporting new discoveries in all aspects of plant metabolism, both primary (general) and specialised (secondary). Contributions are encouraged that report the experimental elucidation of metabolic pathways, metabolic regulation, or the biosynthesis and roles of macromolecules. Reports improving our understanding of how phytochemicals act in planta are particularly welcomed, as are studies of transgenic organisms or of metabolic variation. Ecological Biochemistry and Chemistry contains papers on how plants interact with their environment, including adaptation to environmental stress, symbiosis, interactions with other organisms, phytoalexins, phytotoxins, pollination (bio)chemistry, and the use of phytochemicals by other organisms. Reviews are an authoritative and timely overview in a defined area and are intended to catch the interest of the general reader. A Review is a critical analysis of the current state of knowledge, pointing out strengths and weaknesses, weighing the significance of the studies conducted, how these fit into the more general subject area, and what are the key areas for further work. Authors should consult the Editor-in-Chief before preparing such articles. Molecules of Interest are short, focused reviews (3-5 printed pages) of individual compounds or macromolecules that are currently attracting extremely significant applied, commercial or biological interest. Authors should consult the Editor-in-Chief before preparing such articles.