Genetica is a Transformative Journal (TJ). When research is accepted for publication, authors can choose to publish using either the traditional publishing route OR via immediate gold Open Access. Check your funding options at . Genetica welcomes papers dealing with genetics, genomics, and evolution. Our journal covers novel advances in the fields of genomics, conservation genetics, genotype-phenotype interactions, evo-devo, population and quantitative genetics, and biodiversity. Genetica publishes original research articles addressing novel conceptual, experimental, and theoretical issues in these areas, whatever the taxon considered. Biomedical papers and papers on breeding animal and plant genetics are not within the scope of Genetica, unless framed in an evolutionary context. Recent advances in genetics, genomics and evolution are also published in thematic issues and synthesis papers published by experts in the field. Details concerning the submission and publication procedures: – No page charges – No fees for color images online and in print – Optional Gold Open Access Genetica will consider fast tracking papers from PCI for publication. Genetica is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The journal applies COPE s principles of publication ethics to deal with potential acts of misconduct. Each submission to Genetica is screened for plagiarism. When plagiarism is detected, a manuscript will be immediately rejected.